Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews
- Katie and Diallo Local Child Safeguarding Practice Thematic Review.pdf
- Katie and Diallo Practitioner Learning Briefing.pdf
Rapid Reviews
Learning from practice
Self-Reported Information – Clarify, Verify and Reflect: Professional Curiosity
Learning from national and local case reviews tells us that sometimes children may have been safeguarded and protected from harm if practitioners working with the family clarify, reflect, and verify upon the information shared with them during assessments. Within a recent multi agency audit the DSCP noted that if practitioners had asked questions to further clarify situations that were presented to them, they may have been able to reflect this back and verify what it was really like for the child living in those circumstances. If these three steps are taken it makes a better assessment of risks and need and therefore supporting the correct support and intervention to be offered.
Clarify, Verify and Reflect: Professional Curiosity.pdf
Fathers, Male Carers
Durham Safeguarding Children Partnership (DSCP) champions good multi-agency working and supports practitioner learning with examples of cases where practice demonstrates positive multi agency practice.
In October 2023 the DSCP completed a number of observations of Child Protection Conferences. The example in this learning briefing identifies that the professionals demonstrated good practice by involving both parents throughout the process for the child. There were a number of interventions within this family however this briefing is related specifically to father/male carer inclusive practice.
Learning from Practice (Fathers, Male Carers).pdf
Priority briefings
DSCP Priority One – Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA) Briefing
The Improvement Delivery Group have now completed the first five stages of the learning cycle for Priority One. The Business Unit have created a briefing for practitioners to explain what we have looked at and to give some helpful links to resources and guidance. It is an A3 document designed to be taken into team meetings, supervisions or to be used by practitioners to help them to understand what CAPVA is and what you can do.
DSCP Priority One – Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA) Briefing.pdf
DSCP Priority Two – Harm Outside The Home (HOTH) Briefing
The Improvement Delivery Group have now completed the first five stages of the learning cycle for Priority Two. The Business Unit have created a briefing for practitioners to explain what we have looked at and to give some helpful links to resources and guidance. It is an A3 document designed to be taken into team meetings, supervisions or to be used by practitioners to help them to understand what HOTH is, the early warning indicators and what you can do.
DSCP Priority Two – Harm Outside The Home (HOTH) Briefing.pdf
DSCP Priority Three – First 1001 Days Briefing
The Improvement Delivery Group have now completed the first five stages of the learning cycle for Priority Three. The Business Unit have created a briefing for practitioners to explain what we have looked at and to give some helpful links to resources and guidance. It is an A3 document designed to be taken into team meetings, supervisions or to be used by practitioners to help them to reflect on key learning, shares strengths in practice, identifies areas for learning in safeguarding practice, together with details on the steps you can take to find out more and access further training and resources
DSCP Priority Three – First 1001 Days.pdf
DSCP Priority Four – Mental Health and Wellbeing
The Improvement Delivery Group have now completed the first five stages of the learning cycle for Priority Four. The Business Unit have created a briefing for practitioners to explain what we have looked at and to give some helpful links to resources and guidance. It is an A3 document designed to be taken into team meetings, supervisions or to be used by practitioners to help them to reflect on key learning, shares strengths in practice, identifies areas for learning in safeguarding practice, together with details on the steps you can take to find out more and access further training and resources.