Our training programme has virtual multi-agency training via Teams/Zoom or face to face courses on a wide range of topics to ensure that we are giving you as much opportunity to refresh your knowledge and to enhance your professional development in a way that suits your learning style.
Book a place using our new online booking system:
Please note that all existing bookings made on our old website are valid so there is no need to rebook any courses unless it is a new booking.
Examples of our courses include:
- Anti-Racist Practice
- Being Part of a Team Around the Family (TAF)
- Gypsy, Roma Traveller Cultural Awareness
- Impact of Parental/Carer Mental Ill Health on Children (PAMIC)
- LGBTQIA+ Awareness
- Neglect and Poverty
- Neglect Basics and Toolkit
- Parental Substance Misuse
- Safeguarding Children for Managers and Designated Leads (Level 3-4)
- Safeguarding Children Level 1 and 2
- Trauma Informed Approaches
- Understanding Gangs and Exploitation from a Child’s Perspective (Accredited)
- Partner Agency including all early years providers, voluntary and charitable organisations: Free
- Non-partners/private/for-profit agencies: £50 per person per half day course or £100 for full day except Trauma Informed Approaches which is £95 per full day
- Non-attendance/late cancellation – please note that there is a charge of £25 for non attendance or cancellation within 5 days
Bespoke training
If you feel that your agency would like the opportunity to learn together as a single agency, bespoke training can be delivered by our DSCP Training and Development Coordinator by emailing DSCPTraining@durham.gov.uk for more information.
Bespoke training costs £400 half day or £600 full day.